Donna Gerancher
-Database/Census Secretary
Donna was born and raised in Allentown. She attended and graduated from the Cathedral of Saint Catherine of Siena Catholic School and Allentown Central Catholic High School. She is married to Steve Gerancher and has two grown daughters, Katie & Elizabeth, and beautiful granddaughter, Raegan.
Donna began working at Saint Francis of Assisi Parish in 1989. She is responsible for keeping the parish members’ information updated, as well as keeping record of their donations and sending our year end statements. She keeps track of the calendar by scheduling all of the meetings, practices, and events held at the parish. She reconciles the Feed Your Faith sales each week. She assists Stephanie and Amelia in publishing the weekly bulletin. She coordinates the Collection Counters. She also processes the fundraisers, such as the Gertrude Hawk Candy, Nutrolls, etc. These are just her regular duties, but there are always other things that require her assistance, as well.